A Guide to Nystatin

Nystatin is a popular antibiotic treatment for fungal infections at the mouth, lips and skin and manufactured as a pill, oral suspension, cream or ointment.

Nystatin is a popular antibiotic treatment for fungal infections at the mouth, lips and skin. It is manufactured as a pill, oral suspension, cream or ointment. It also comes in lozenges for the mouth infection. Doctors recommend it as an angular cheilitis cure.

There are several brand names of this type of antibiotic in the drugstores such as Mycostatin, Mycostatin Filmlok, Mycostatin Pastilles, Nystatin Ointment, Nystat-Rx, Nystop and Pedi-Dri.

How Nystatin works

As an anti fungal, it kills fungi by interfering with glucose import. Like all cells, fungi surround a membrane but because the glucose is big to enter through the membrane, special proteins import the glucose.

This is where this anti fungal works. It disrupts the glucose from getting into the cells. Because glucose uses fungi for energy, overtime glucose reserves will be depleted and will cause the cells to atrophy and die.

Before applying the cream or ointment, make sure that you have thoroughly washed and dried the affected area. Then apply a small amount and gently rub on the lesion. Avoid getting the cream or ointment into your eyes.

Side effects

Follow doctor’s prescribed daily application. Do not use it more than what is recommended. The frequency of application will not speed up healing; at worst, it will lead to the side effects.

For topical antibiotic, side effects are burning or itching sensation, rash and eczema including pain when applying the cream or lotion.

A life-threatening skin side effect, although occurring extremely infrequent, is Stevens-Johnson syndrome where patients experience flu-like symptoms preceding red skin rash over a large area of the skin.

The rash develops into blisters which eventually deaden the skin top layer and causing shedding of the skin. It is considered dangerous because it causes substantial skin loss, exposing immature skin. It is seriously painful and allows more infection to enter the skin.

The oral form may have side effects, too such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or upset stomach although there is no cause for alarm.

Because antibiotics are used not as a single-dose for angular cheilitis treatment, Nystatin must be stored in its original container with lid tightly closed. Refrigerate the cream formula but do not allow freezing. This will ensure that the antibiotic will retain its potency for several days of usage.